●2015 Dec. 1-28 "Ultrafast Phenomena" Lecture Schedule

Lectured by: Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich

# Date Topic
Dec. 1 (Tue) Introduction to ultrafast science, Tomescales of physical phenomena. Lase basics
Dec. 3 (Thu) Laser modelocking and amplification
Dec. 8 (Tue) Propagation of ultrashort optical signals. Dispersion and pulseshaping
4 Dec. 10 (Thu) Basic nonlinear optics: nonlinear wave conversion
5 Dec. 15 (Tue) Measurment of ultrashort laser pulses
6 Dec. 17 (Thu) Light-matter interaction - basics
7 Dec. 22 (Tue) Ultrafast spectroscopy: terahertz spectroscopy
8 Dec. 28 (Mon) Ultrafast spectroscopy: attosecond spectroscopy

You can find each text from bellow.

#1 Dec.1

#2 Dec.3

#3 Dec.8  Refernce : http://frog.gatech.edu/index.html

#4 Dec.10

#5 Dec.15

#6 Dec.17

#7 Dec.22

#8 Dec.28

