



私は”First demonstration of thermal neutron deflectometry by a laser driven intense magnetic field”という題名で口頭発表を行いました。発表は無事終わりましたが、英語で自身の研究の議論は力及ばずできませんでした。次回への課題が見つかった国際会議となりました。また日米IFEワークショップへの参加、OPIE’24での企業展示の見学、発表のタイムキーパーなど幅広く経験することができました。とても貴重な経験を得ることができたこととOPIC2024を開催していただいた方に心から感謝申し上げます。次回の発表ではより素晴らしい発表ができるよう研究を進めて行きたいと思います。(大阪大学理学研究科・山田龍弥)


[HEDS2-03] Proton acceleration in a high-intensity laser-driven collisionless shock
*Youichi Sakawa

[HEDS8-04] Density dependence of positron acceleration by longitudinal electric field in relativistic laser-plasma interaction
*Kaoru Sugimoto

[HEDS9-06] High-energy neutrino emission from collisionless shocks in black hole coronae
*Minh Nhat Ly

[HEDS10-04] Effect of a plasma mirror on the interactions of intense laser pulses with micron-scale cluster targets
*Yuji Fukuda

[HEDS10-05] Monoenergetic sub-relativistic ion acceleration with a nanolayer target mounted on large-area suspended graphene
*Yasuhiro Kuramitsu

[HEDS13-02(Invited)] Laser astrophysics experiments for the investigation of plasma heating and acceleration in magnetic reconnection
*Taichi Morita

[HEDS13-05] Super-collimated mono-energetic thermal spin-polarized neutron generator
*Yasunobu Arikawa

[HEDS13-06] First demonstration of thermal neutron deflectometry by a laser driven intense magnetic field
*Ryuya Yamada

[HEDS14-04] Analysis of the generation of relativistic electron-flux in long-timescale interactions with non-relativistic lasers
*Yuji Takagi

[HEDS14-05]Particle acceleration and plasma heating in magnetized plasmas by large-amplitude standing whistler waves
*Takayoshi Sano

[HEDSp-03] Path for high-gain laser fusion with fast ignition scenario – FIREX-NEO (Numerical Experiment Optimization) project –
*Yasuhiko Sentoku

[HEDSp-04] Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of CH4 and H2S mixture at planetary interior conditions
*Daisuke Murayama

[HEDSp-08] Particle-in-cell simulations of shockwaves in plasma
*Jinyuan Dun
