

Fiscal 2020

12/03/2021-15/03/20212021 Annual Meeting of JPS

The Physical Society of Japan, 2021Annual (76th) Meeting was held on-line, and many project members attended.
Especially, in the "Division 2: Plasma", there is a special session related to Dr. Sawaka, Dr. Kuramitsu, Dr. Kishimoto, and Dr. Hoshino, and the session looks like a "AsianCore project session".

Followings are the Project members, who presented at the meeting.
                                                                            Detailed program is HERE.
--- General Symposium ---
Yuji Fukuda(KPSI, QST)
Yasuhiro Kuramitsu(Osaka Univ.)
      "Astrophysics and laser ion acceleration"
Yoichi Sakawa (Osaka Univ.)
      KPhysics of collisionless shock and laser ion acceleration
Yasuaki Kishimoto (Kyoto Univ.)
      Various wave and structure formations in laser-irradiated structured medium
         and physics of particle acceleration"
Masahiro Hoshino (Univ. of Tokyo)
      "Introduction of the ideas of cosmic ray acceleration into laser ion acceleration"
Yosuke Matsumoto (Chiba Univ.)
      "Cosmic ray research with large computer systems: From electron acceleration
         to the age of ion acceleration"
Hideo Nagatomo(Osaka Univ.)
      "Application of machine learning in laser-plasma experiments"

--- Special Talk ---
Morace Alessio(Osaka Univ.)
      "Ultra-intense Laser-driven Ion Acceleration for High Energy Density Physics"

--- Oral ---
Ryo Yamazaki(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
      "Generation of magnetized collisionless shocks using high-power lasers 4
         : progress and summary of 2019-2020 experiments"
Shuta Tanaka(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
      "Generation of magnetized collisionless shocks using high-power lasers 5
         : results and theoretical interpretation of experiments in 2019"
Taichi Takezaki(Univ. of Toyama)
      "Numerical study on behavior of multi-ion-species plasma flow
         in perpendicular magnetic field"
Takayoshi Sano(Osaka Univ.)
      "Plasma heating via the interaction of whistler waves"
Shinsuke Fujioka(Osaka Univ.)
      "Status of fast-ignition laser fusion researh"
Alessio Morace(Osaka Univ.)
      "Experimental design for ion stopping power in dense plasmas"

22/02/2021-26/02/2021 Experiment @ ILE

At ILE, Osaka University, 「Collisionless shock Ion acceleration」experiment lead by project PI, Dr. Sakawa, was conducted, using GEKKOXII laser and LFEX laser.
Dr. Sakawa, Dr. Morace, Dr. Fujioka, Dr. Sano, Dr. Kuramitsu, Mr. Ota, Mr. Egashira, Ms. Kuramoto, Mr. Ishihara, Mr. Matsumoto, Mr. Minami, Mr. Sakai, Mr. Nishimoto and many other members attended from Osaka University. Besides Osaka Univ. members, Dr. Fukuda(QST), Dr. Kanasaki(kobe Univ.), Mr. Asai(Kobe Univ.) joined with their measuring instruments.
Because of "National Declaration of State of Emergency", some member planed to come could not attend, however, the experiment has finished successfuly!

04/01/2021-08/01/2021 Experiments @ QST

Happy New Year! We would like to forward this "Laser Astrophysics" project, even in this challenging period, by avoiding "Three Cs".
Dr. Tanaka of Aoyama Univ. attended the joint experiments a QST, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology.

27/12/2020-28/12/2020 Experiments @ILE, Osaka Univ.

Dr. Takezaki, Toyama Univ., attended to experiments at ILE, Osaka Univ..
Members worked hard to improve their research and this project till the end of year!

04/12/2020-12/12/2020 Experiments @ ILE, Osaka Univ.

AianCore mebmers from Kyusyu Univ., Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Toyama Univ., and Osaka Univ. attended experiments, using GEKKO XII and LFEX lasers at ILE, Osaka Univ..

      Kyusyu University; Dr. Morita, Dr. Isayama, Mr. Kojima, and Mr. Matsuo
      Osaka University ; Dr. Sakawa, Mr. Egashira, Mr. Matsumoto, Mr. Kuramoto, and Mr. Sakai
      Toyama University; Dr. Takezaki
      Aoyama Gakuin University; Dr. Yamazaki, Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Aihara

01/12/2020-04/12/2020 Annual Meeting of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research

The 37th annual meeting of "The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research" was held. 坂和先生が企画されたシンポジウム「ホイッスラー波の物理と応用」にて佐野先生、諌山先生が発表を行いました。
Mr. Sugimoto and Mr. Ohta got the Student Prizes.

Following Japanese members talked(Detailed program is HERE
Dr. Takanori Sano, Osaka Univ. (Oral)
Dr. Shogo Isayama, Kyushu Univ. (Oral)
Mr. Kaori Sugimoto, Osaka Univ. (Oral) ←Student Prizes
Dr. Taichi Takezaki, Toyama Univ. (Oral)
Dr. Natsuki Iwata, Kyushu Univ. (Oral)
Dr. Shinsuke Fujioka, Kyushu Univ. (Oral)
Dr. Hideo Nagatomo, Kyushu Univ. (Oral)
Mr. Masato Ohta, Kyushu Univ. (Poster) ←Student Prizes

Capture from "The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research" FB.

27/11/2020 Joint seminar between SJTU and Osaka Univ.@zoom

"Joint Seminar between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Osaka University (Laser)" was held @ ZOOM.
プロジェクトメンバーである坂和先生、岩田先生、境さんが講演された他、プロジェクトメンバーである阪大・児玉先生、中国・上海交通大・ZHANG Jie先生とSHENG Zhengmingの挨拶があり、阪大・蔵満先生も進行を務められました。

Presentation by Japanese members(Detailed program is HERE
Youichi Sakawa
       “Weibel-instability mediated collisionless shock experiments
         using large-energy laser systems”
Natsumi Iwata
       “Physics of highly-charged heavy ion acceleration by ultraintense short pulse lasers”
Kentaro Sakai
       “Non-equilibrium collective Thomson scattering in two-stream plasmas”

27/11/2020 OU & SJTU Joint seminar@zoom

"Joint Seminar between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Osaka University (Laser)" was held at ZOOM.
PI, of this project, Prof. Sakawa, and other members of Prof. Iwata, and Mr. Sakai attended a zoom conference, "Joint Seminar between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Osaka University (Laser)". > Besides the oral presentations, Prof. Kodama(OU), Prof. ZHANG Jie and Prof. SHENG Zhengming talked at opening or closing and Prof. Kuramitsu served as a chair.

Presentation by Japanese members(Detailed program
Youichi Sakawa
       “Weibel-instability mediated collisionless shock experiments
         using large-energy laser systems”
Natsumi Iwata
       “Physics of highly-charged heavy ion acceleration by ultraintense short pulse lasers”
Kentaro Sakai
       “Non-equilibrium collective Thomson scattering in two-stream plasmas”

19/10/2020-9/11/2020 Experiments @GEKKO XXII

AianCore mebmers from Kyushu Univ., Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Hokkaido Univ., Toyama Univ., Osaka Univ. attended experiments, using GEKKO XII laser at ILE, Osaka Univ..

      “Demonstration of shock wave reformation using high-power laser”
                         PI: Prof. Shuichi MATSUKIYO (Kyushu Univ.)
      “Experiments of collisionless shocks propagating into magnetized plasma”
                         PI: Prof. Ryo YAMAZAKI (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
      “Experimental studies of electronic scale magnetic reconnection using high-power laser”
                         PI: Prof. Yasuhiro KURAMITSU (Osaka Univ.)

A cumulative total of 33 peoples of AianCore Members and outside the project, worked together.

26/10/2020-30/10/2020 "AAPPS-DPP2020"

Internationalconference, "4th AsiaPacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2020)" was held as E-Conference. PI, Prof. Sakawaand other many members, not only from Japan but also from China, Taiwan andIndia, attended this conference from 10:30 to 20:30 KR time.

Presentation by Japanese members(Detailed program
Y. Sakawa (Plenary)
       "Formation of Weibel-instability mediated collisionless shock
        using large-scale laser systems"
Y. Kuramitsu (Oral)
     "Local and global observations of magnetic reconnection in laser produced plasmas"
A. Morace (Oral)
     "Laser-ion acceleration for Fast Ignition research and applications"
R. Matsui (Oral)
     "Study of the underlying physics of CSBA (Converging Shock-based Blow-off Acceleration)
       and the extension to two-dimensional rod/string configuration"
T. Minami (Oral)
     "Acceleration of high charged Au ions from interaction between an extremely intense laser
       and an ultra-thin Au foil suspended on a large-area suspended graphene target"
S. Matsukiyo (Oral)
     "Heliospheric boundary: Kinetic structure, cosmic ray property"
S. Fujioka (Plenary)
     "Fast Isochoric Heating of Dense Plasma Core through multi-picosecond
       relativisitc laser-plasma interaction"
T. Morita (Oral)
     "Experimental and numerical studies on the thrust generation
       for laser-fusion-powered spacecraft"
K. Matsuo (Oral)
     "Experimental studies on thermal transport in magnetized high energy density
       plasma for fast ignition inertial confinement fusion"
S. Isayama (Oral)
     "Dynamic profile formation of the helicon discharge"
T. Sano (Oral)
     "Mitigation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in Plasmas"

08/2020-09/2020, Experiments preparation for GEKKO XII

Facing the GEKKO XII experiments, from the end of September to the beginning of October, proposed by Drs. Yamazaki, Matsukiyo, and Kuramitsu, Asiancore members get to ILE, Osaka Univ. for preparation.
Hoping the success of experiments, members are working and taking safety measures for COVID-19.


02/09/2020-03/09/2020, "International Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics: Novel Development in Nonlinear Plasma Physics with Lasers”  
                                                    (On-line / On-site@Osaka University, Suita Campus)

The International Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics: Novel Development in Nonlinear Plasma Physics with Lasers, finished successfully. It was held, hoping Dr. Sakawa's "John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research" to become a good opportunity to push our program further, even under COVID-19 causing these difficult situations for joint experiments and meetings.
This WS was held both On-site/Online. Only about 10 people joined on-site, but many people from Germany, Indonesia, France attended as well as AsianCore project members from China, India, and Taiwan.


23/07/2020, Dr. Sakawa won“John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research”
                                       (On-line / On-site@Osaka University, Suita Campus)

PI, Dr. Sakawa and 10 researchers have jointly won an award of American Physical Society, “John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research”. For generating Weibel-mediated collisionless shocks in the laboratory, impacting a broad range of energetic astrophysical scenarios, plasma physics, and experiments using high energy and high power lasers conducted at basic plasma science facilities.

「John Dawson Award」 Detail is here

【Co winners】
Hideaki Takabe (Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf)
Hye-Sook Park, Dmitri Ryutov, and James Steven Ross (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Frederico Fiuza (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Youichi Sakawa (Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University)
Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton University)
Christoph Niemann (University of California, Los Angeles)
William Fox (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
R. Paul Drake (University of Michigan)
Gianluca Gregori (University of Oxford)

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