Through use of cutting-edge THz/nano technology, exploring Terahertz
(THz) science in advanced electronic materials and developing novel THz
devices and systems for sensing, imaging, and other applications are our
main area of interest. The materials and devices include quantum/nano semiconductors,
strongly correlated electron systems, superconductors,bio-molecules, etc.
Tonouchi Lab has been establised in 2000, May, to explore and open the
filed of "Superconductor Photonics", which harmonizes
superconductive electronics and optoelectronics. As a unique project at
Osaka University, Research Center for Superconductor Photonics has been
established in 2000 with a mission to form new research field as “Superconductor
Photonics”. The center and Institute of Laser Engineering has been unified
1st, July, 2004. Our “Terahertz Photonics” laboratory succeeds the mission
and, further, extends it to a new direction.
As for the original mission, we specializes development of superconductive
photonic devices. High-Tc superconductors (HTSs) are indispensable materials
for such optical application. Thus we study, first of all, their optical
properties such as optically excited terahertz emission effect. Then we
apply the new functionality to the applications. We have chosen one of
research targets to develop optical interface to single quantum flux quantum
(SFQ) circuits. We also examine basics for sub-THz wireless communication
using HTS Josephson junctions.
As for the new direction, we explore material science and optical functionalities
of various electronic materials, especially perovskites oxides such as
manganites, multiferroics, ferroelectrics and extend the research field
to terahertz science and technology of strongly correlated electron systems.
Furthermore, we develop several experimental tools especially for superconductor
photonics and terahertz science.
Prof. Masayoshi Tonouchi
Prof. Masayoshi Tonouchi
World Scientist Ranking: 21,570th among 8,547,891
Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2021), Mendeley Data,
V3, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.4