Laser Fusion System (LFS)
LFS group is a cooperative course of the Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University. We are engaged in research and development for future laser fusion power plant.
In the stars shining in the universe such as the sun, enormous energy is generated by nuclear fusion reaction and it emits light. Nuclear fusion reactions generate the huge energy a new nucleus is born. Nuclear fusion reactions usually do not occur on the earth, but it is possible to artificially create nuclear fusion reactions by creating special circumstances such as high temperature and high pressure condition. Our main research is the design of future fusion plant to generate for sustainable and safety power generation.
Research topics
1.Fuel target development
In laser fusion, it is necessary to uniformly irradiate the laser on fuels in order to produce high temperature, high density plasma. Therefore, high accuracy and high precision are required for fuel targets. LFS group is engaged in the development of plastics targets containing tracers for basic experiments and the development of cryogenic targets for use in power reactors.
2.Plant system
The environment inside the fusion power furnace is a harsh environment for materials due to high temperature and radiations. In order to realize fusion power generation, it is necessary to control the furnace in such an environment. We are working on the development of fuel supply equipment (injection system), optical equipment for high intensity lasers, and evaluation of the damages on plant materials occurred by plasma, high energy neutrons and radiations.

Injection System
3.Radiation damage of optical materials
In laser fusion, a variety of optical materials are used. These optics are exposed to radiation such as neutrons, gamma rays, and become opaque. In the decommission work of the nuclear power plant, a lot of cameras for remote control are used and their lenses are damaged. We are trying to clarify radiation damage of various optical materials, from general to newly developed, to develop nuclear fusion reactors and contribute to nuclear power plant decommissioning.
SHIGEMORI Keisuke | Professor |
YAMANOI Kouhei | Associate Professor |
NORIMATSU Takayoshi | Professor Emeritus/Specially Appointed Professor |
IWAMOTO Akifumi | Guest Associate Professor(Joining and Welding Research Institute) |